CLHS, 3TA4, 2008
In this class of 41 students, we hav gone through happy, sad, fun, exciting, thrilling, horrible, blablabla moments..
For 1 year of time, we hav quite known each other well..
Me, sitting at the center of the class, was known to B da HANDSOME BOY..
So nw..
I'm going to introduce some of my buddies in A4, a wonderful class..

Jieli aka Magician, Song writer, Debater , my bez fren
Jieli Lim.. A guy who has da same surname as me.. haha..
He is quite a multi-personalities person. He like performing magic, n really make da class siao by it during a time.. N I was one of them.. I bcome his 'disciple' later n learn quite a few magic.. Woohoo!! However, I was nt as good.. But if u really wan 2 C me doin magic, u'r welcome..
He is also debater n his really has a talent in it.. But ALAS!! He wasted it.. How disappointed!! N his reason was: sick.. But it was then tat he was sick, bt nt now, quite lame, isnt' it?
As a songwriter, he wrote 2 songs wif a few of his frens.. N he wanna partner wif me to present da songs!! Woohoo!! Or instead, I wanna 2 partner wif him 2 presnet da song!! Woohoo!! HAHAx.. Mayb he know tat I hav had talent in singing!! Yay..
N dis.. Dis is very important.. 1 of his special personalities.. Bcause.. He.. likes.. to.. touch... ... ... ...
So.. Tat's all 4 him.. Lastly, he's a really gud fren n he's handsome.. Bt its ntg special in our class.. Bcause every1 in dis class is tat handsome..

Timothy aka Private, Funny Guy, Ting
Timothy.. Ting..
A siaosiao guy, can counted as funny.. A black guy with white teeth.. Skinny but 'strong'..??Sitting at da back few rows of da class.. QUITE talkative.. N if he's absent from sch tat day, u'll noe it.. Bcause his voice wil nt B heard tat day n u'll noe it..
An optimistic guy.. He's da favourite student of Shobana!! Muahaha.. In my opinion, he likes to say "OOI!!". Quite a fun n gud fren, a fren who is there 4 u.. Who can make u happy when u'r sad.. N also can make u sad when he is sad.. HAhax..
As da Care N Counsel unit of BB, he's 'caring' n 'loving'.. He's quite not liking da idea of him being private.. But.. I told him tat, he is da CAre n Counsel Committee n we (CLHS from3 NCO) r all under him.. N he juz accepted it n nt feeling sad anymore!! Hahax.. WAt an easy-lied-to guy.. hehe..
So.. TAt's all 4 him.. HE's also very handsome horr??.. Bcause.. HAHA!! We r all so handsome in 3TA4..
Wei Zhang aka handsome guy, websites pro, good guy (Good guy??), fs maniacWei Zhang, a special guy.. N do not judge him by his conduct n action n appearance..
In my opinion, he's a guy who is very polite and won't talk at all when teacher's teaching.. Although he is THAT quiet, but his brain is full of information like this, that, this and that.. Haha.. And he's especially a pro of fs in our class.. N hw i gt my fs layouts is from him.. Last year..
Good point about him is, he can really keep his promise and really gt the heart to help frens when they're facing any trouble.. A great example is that whenever we wanna use liquid paper, we'll juz call out his name n he'll noe wat to do.. Eg: SomeboD called out suddenly in class: "WEI ZHANG!!".. Then, u'll C a liquid paper flying over heads n over to the guy who call out his name.. Cool aye?? Its him..
So.. That's all bout him.. He's quite handsome.. Agree?? Haha.. Do u wonder why almost everyone till dis point in our class is so handsome?? HAHA...
Eric Tiw aka Rich Dude, handsome blacky, tennis pro, runnning man
Eric.. 1 of da 2 prefect in our class.. Although a prefect, he's very siao sometimes.. Erm.. No.. Its: he's very siao everytime.. N he likes to laugh (I think).. N from his description, he told me tat he lives under Penang Bridge.. Exactly where I live too!! Haha..
Eric is a very fun guy.. While we're doing some crazy stuff, he'll nt join bt will giv us some 'encouragement' n act as a cheerleader.. Mayb its bcause he's a prefect n cant do those 'crazy stuff'.. Like pulling off ppl pants... But I think he'll lik to do it.. Lol..
He's da tennis pro in our class n he said b4 tat he wanna bcome a tennis player when he grew up.. But I still havn't seen him play b4.. Bsides, he's represented our sch to take part in a watevawateva sports competition n he's in da running thingy part.. N he's oso gt some medals.. Pro..
Most importantly.. He's da richest guy in our class.. He's gt a Nike n few Billabong bags n pensel box.. N also his purse.. N I seen him b4 in a Mercedes, BMW n a MyV (dunno hw 2 spell..).. Haha.. Rich enough?? If nt.. Go ask him personally..
So.. Tat's all.. Very handsome aye?? Haha.. Gt handsome than me?? Dunno wor.. Mayb yes.. Mayb no.. No matter wat.. U cn noe tat ppl in our class are all very handsome.. Haha..

Kooi Jin aka Worst Singer, Shorty, Siao2 Guy
Kooi Jin, a guy in class who sit at the most front row bt who is always leaving his seat n go the sit at the back row.. Y?? Bcause there is where his buddies r.. Joshua, Eric, Jason, Kang Chern..
He likes music n likes singing.. Bt it doesnt mean tat he cn sing whenever he wan in class.. Bcause.. His singing is 'NOT TERRIBLE'... N it will always be off-pitch.. HAhax..
A guy who is very talkative, he likes to talk n talk very loudly.. However, he's sometimes amusing n very siao.. He's also good at keeping promise..
Most importantly, he's very strong although he's quite small n short(Dun be offended)... Eg: Once, we were playing a 'game' on taking off the pants thingy.. Haha.. N he was once the target.. We master-locked him.. But he's nt yt done n doesnt giv up.. A minute he's so still n 'peaceful', da nex minute, he's jumping up n down like hyper crazy.. HE shouted n jumped n shaked n blablabla.. Da person who is the prey bcame the predator.. Finally, we, the predator gave up n.. whooo.. Wat a relieve.. Haha.. He is 'peaceful' again.. Hahax.. But if given da opportunity, I believe we wil do it again!! Muahahahah
So, tat's all.. He's quite handsome aye?? Haha.. Cnt be blame.. WE classmates r all so handsome..
Hilson aka Book holder, Miss Penang's son, member of SHE
Hilson, a guy who sometimes quite siao bt sometimes very guai..
Hilson, the book holder.. Y?? Bcause whenever exam's approaching, u'll C him holding a book, especially sejarah wherever he went.. So siao 1.. No wonder his result so gud..
Hilson is also da son of Miss Penang.. Cool?? Dunno.. Bt i think there wil oso B some proudness in him of his mom..
Not much 2 say bout him.. Cause he's quite quiet in class this semester.. So,tat's all.. Handsome? Haha!! Dun nid me 2 repeat it right?? Haha.. We classmates r all so handsome.. LOL

Joshua aka EMO!!, a gud fren, english dude, monitor
Joshua, a recently appointed monitor who sit at the most back row of class..
Josuha is a gud fren, dont ever think of him betrayin a fren.. But!! He's very emo.. N when he's Emo.. watch out.. HAHA.. He sometimes like to sleep in class n wil B very emo when the teacher wake him up...
He's very amusing n very siao sometimes.. He hates those who think they themselves r very good.. N he is one of the gang: Eric, Jason, Kooi jin, Kang Chern.. Whenever there's a free period, u'll C them together, either talking about songs, fashion, gossip (about y am I so Handsome XD), playing rubber (haha..), n other thingz..
He's a very emo guy.. Although he's quite peaceful, he'll b hyper fierce when emo.. Bt he'll act lik ntg happened at all n laughs madly after finish emo-ing.. Lol..
So.. Tat's all. ... ... Waiting 4 tat right?? Haha!! Okok.. He's handsome aye?? haha.. Of course larr.. AS stated above, we r all so handsome in dis class--3TA4.. (dun B surprised)

Xian Wen aka Emo2, ex-monitor, love pro, handsome guy, my bez fren
Xian Wen, a nt talkative bt very cool n very funny guy.. He cn B really funny until u laughs non stop, n cn B very cool until u feel cold n feeling completely ignored bsides him.. He'll B very siao if u siao wif him..
He's a god of love in our class.. N u noe who his ex is... Haha.. He's da most handsome guy in our class.. Bt tat doesnt mean tat the others r nt handsome... Lol.. He's also a guy who has special personalities like......
As a fren, he's also the kind of wont-betray-fren fren.. N he proved himself twice.. Once, he was playing paper plane wif jia en n lin eow.. Wat's so fun about it?? Dunno.. Go ask them urself.. N was caught by Lai Tat Seng, him n jia en.. Haha.. They were caned once n gt scolded.. Bt he din even spit out lin eow's name.. N lin eow was so 'grateful' to him..
Bsides, he's gud at singing.. (I think, although he never sing b4 even we made him do so..) He likes music n songs n those fashion thingy.. N he is very handsome.. I mention tat??
He's also da rubber pro in our class (I think).. He's once da champion while teamed up with me in a group championship. Haha.. So, I'm also 1 of the pro's bt I retired..
So, tat's all.. Handsome?? Of coz!! Every1 in our class is tat handsome de.. Stil doesnt believe?? Come 2 3TA4 n C it by urself lorr..
Eu June aka National Sch Debater, Under 15 football captain, super siao guy
Eu June, the lamest n the siao-est guy I've ever met.. A funny guy, talented, kap siao pro n a gud freb but quite not-tall..
He is very siao.. Y?? Ok.. Here'r few e.g. He spoke MANDARIN with a MALAY woman at a cashier at a shop selling socks. He likes to phone Digi Customer Service n cari pasal wif da guy over da line. Very lame. He ask 4 Digi Reload Card at a Maxis shop. He shouted n screamed in a cinema will watching horror movie with everyone (almost) watching at him. Bsides dis, there'r so many more, 4 more info, ask him. Haha..
He is a guy who is talented or maybe 'quite' talented. He likes to speak in english using heavy slang, he is da captain of under 15 footbal team, he's in da national debate team of CLHS n blablabla.
Finally, he's a funny guy n would make us all laugh every few moments. So, Tat's all 4 him. Handsome?? Haha.. Sure.. As I said b4, everyone i our class is so u-noe-wat.. Haha..