Why my hair so hard to do stlye de??
Nothing for my blog..
Thinking about her
Haven't study yet..
Friendster not enough comment..
Struggling with life..
Harry Potter cOOl!!
No great movie lately..
Dark Knight-- Coolest among cool
My Clan- Civilized Barbarians RockZz!!
I love Singing!!
Guitar is my life, mayb not, yes, no...
Basketball's great..
My mind is crowded with loads of stuff..
Boys' Brigade-- The Best,Coolest,MostIncredible Youth Organization EVER!!
My friends, they RockZ!!
Hope to get ASEAN scholarship..
Looking forward to that day, THAT..
Life's boring without guitar & sports & PC & music & friends..
She's so pretty..
She's charming..
She's cute..
Exam?? No way!!
Love music
English is fun
Hate You Tube!!
She's so incredible..
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
More About Me^^
Age: Was 15 years on this world
Sex: Not female
DOB: 06/06/1993
Height: Approximately 178cm
Weight: Approximately 59kg
FamilyMembers: 5 including me, 4 excluding me
EmailAdd: yxlim6693@msn.com
Blog: http://www.undesirelove.blogspot.com/
LifeJourney: Born in Malacca when I was 0 year old(s). (Duh..) Lived in Malacca for 2 years. 3 years old went to China, lived there 1 year. Forgotten everything there. Then 4 years old lived at Puchong, KL. Spend much of my childhood there. Finally came to Penang when Standard4. Until now. Spend much of my adolescent time here.
Hobby: Reading, Guitar-ing, PC-ing, Sports
FavouritePastTime: Pressing hp's keypade, currently known as SMS-ing, Blogging, PhysicalTraining, Reading, DAy-Dreamin
FavouriteSport: Basketball, CaptainBall
Favourite Subject: Maths, Science
JoinedCo-Curicular: Boys'Brigade, Gymnastics, RoadSafetyClub
ChurchAttended: GeorgetownBaptistChurch
LearnedInstrument: Instrument which has dunno-hw-many white keys n dunno-hw-many black keys, known as Piano; Trumpet
LearningInstrument: An instrument which has 6strings of different thickness, known as Guitar
Going-to-LearnInstrument: An instrument where using 2 sticks to beat on its surface, Drum
Qualities: If handsome, leadership-ing, socialble, caring, kind, helpful, loyal, sports-maniac, music-maniac, blablabla is not counted as qualities, then I'm nothing..
Most-Proud-of: Being a christian, learned a few instrument, joined Boy'sBrigade, am in 412, got u guys as friends, known HER, 2 great parents, Bible, my lovely PC
Wanting-Most: Seeking Him more, good voice for singing, better in basketball, achieve more in life
Age: Was 15 years on this world
Sex: Not female
DOB: 06/06/1993
Height: Approximately 178cm
Weight: Approximately 59kg
FamilyMembers: 5 including me, 4 excluding me
EmailAdd: yxlim6693@msn.com
Blog: http://www.undesirelove.blogspot.com/
LifeJourney: Born in Malacca when I was 0 year old(s). (Duh..) Lived in Malacca for 2 years. 3 years old went to China, lived there 1 year. Forgotten everything there. Then 4 years old lived at Puchong, KL. Spend much of my childhood there. Finally came to Penang when Standard4. Until now. Spend much of my adolescent time here.
Hobby: Reading, Guitar-ing, PC-ing, Sports
FavouritePastTime: Pressing hp's keypade, currently known as SMS-ing, Blogging, PhysicalTraining, Reading, DAy-Dreamin
FavouriteSport: Basketball, CaptainBall
Favourite Subject: Maths, Science
JoinedCo-Curicular: Boys'Brigade, Gymnastics, RoadSafetyClub
ChurchAttended: GeorgetownBaptistChurch
LearnedInstrument: Instrument which has dunno-hw-many white keys n dunno-hw-many black keys, known as Piano; Trumpet
LearningInstrument: An instrument which has 6strings of different thickness, known as Guitar
Going-to-LearnInstrument: An instrument where using 2 sticks to beat on its surface, Drum
Qualities: If handsome, leadership-ing, socialble, caring, kind, helpful, loyal, sports-maniac, music-maniac, blablabla is not counted as qualities, then I'm nothing..
Most-Proud-of: Being a christian, learned a few instrument, joined Boy'sBrigade, am in 412, got u guys as friends, known HER, 2 great parents, Bible, my lovely PC
Wanting-Most: Seeking Him more, good voice for singing, better in basketball, achieve more in life
Monday, August 25, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Life's Important

Was juz given ONE life.. Juz ONE..
wasted it.. N u'll nvr gt another one..
Lik race cars..
crashed n nt raced anymore..
So.. wat's da purpose of life anyway??
Look at those 'big' person..
Who achieve so many great things in life..
Wanna B lik them??
Bcome lik Phelps, a famous swimmer..
Or wanna scores da highest in class??
Or promoted as head of students at sch???
Or travels around da world?? In 60days perhaps??
Or having vacation at Hawaii with loves one??
Spend a moment thinking..
N really think about it..
After autumm, it'll wilted bcause of winter..
Guess wat dis flower bring to dis world?
Guess wat dis flower bring to dis world?
Did any1 really look at it??
SO.. It juz fade away from dis world..
Juz lik tat.. Without leaving anythin..
So.. wanna Be lik it??
Leaving ntg??
Think Bout it..
Wat would u do tat would bring u glory even u'r away..
Lik dat??
Die beautifully??
Let's start..
From nw onnwards..
Live your life to da fullness..
To make your life meaningful-er..
Dun waste it..
God juz gave u 1 life..
N only tat 1 u'll get..

Remember this:
Everythin Bad happened to u..
Juz treat it as smtg to perfect another good thing..
A blessing of smtg better..
A bigger plan..
Of God towards u..
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
2day1night trip to KL
17 June 2008
Me and my family went to KL for a short trip.
Departed at about 8:00am

Door Locked
Ready to roll

baggage loaded

Bye Bye Penang Bridge!!
C u in 2 days time!!

Turning in 2 PUchong!!
My hometown for 10 years!!
Bak Kut Teh!!
So long din eat liao..
So good..

My ex..
Primary School..
Sunway Pyramid..
A shopping complex..
with a pyramid n,
a lion's body..
Of course!!
Way cooler than Queensbay Mall..
Wait till u C its inside..
Yup.. Hehe..

Escalator with mirror..
Wat a great thing..
Lidat I dun nid go toilet 2 do my hair D lorr..

Wat's a shark doin in here??
BTW, its kinda cute..
N sometimes it'll bang the glass..
So funny!!

U think QB mall skating ring is cool??
Wat's in here is way cooler!!
Its also a skating ring..
But its iced!!
Skating on ice!!
I wanna go skate 1..
Bt no more shoe D.. =(
Guess wat they're doing??
Cant guess??
They'r all hair stlyists..
Barbering n styling hairs..
In a shopping complex!!

Giant Wall-E..
On the roof!!

Sunway Lagoon..
Viewed from SunwayPyramid..
Tat's da end of my trip to this Cool Shopping Mall..
Sunway Pyramid..
I'll B bac..
Me and my family went to KL for a short trip.
Departed at about 8:00am
Door Locked
Ready to roll
baggage loaded
Bye Bye Penang Bridge!!
C u in 2 days time!!
Turning in 2 PUchong!!
My hometown for 10 years!!
Bak Kut Teh!!
So long din eat liao..
So good..
My ex..
Primary School..
A shopping complex..
with a pyramid n,
a lion's body..
Of course!!
Way cooler than Queensbay Mall..
Wait till u C its inside..
Yup.. Hehe..
Escalator with mirror..
Wat a great thing..
Lidat I dun nid go toilet 2 do my hair D lorr..
Wat's a shark doin in here??
BTW, its kinda cute..
N sometimes it'll bang the glass..
So funny!!
U think QB mall skating ring is cool??
Wat's in here is way cooler!!
Its also a skating ring..
But its iced!!
Skating on ice!!
I wanna go skate 1..
Bt no more shoe D.. =(
Cant guess??
They'r all hair stlyists..
Barbering n styling hairs..
In a shopping complex!!
Giant Wall-E..
On the roof!!
Sunway Lagoon..
Viewed from SunwayPyramid..
Tat's da end of my trip to this Cool Shopping Mall..
Sunway Pyramid..
I'll B bac..
More coming up next!!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Love- A Wonderful Thing

a wonderful thing..
Make u feel happy the whole day..
N can also hurt u for a whole month..
I always wanted to B lik those couple..
So sweet n lovely..
N was paralyzed in their own world of 2..
Who am I to blame??
Y am i so unlucky??
Fell in love with some girls b4..
Experienced the amazing-ness of love..
My love life was nt as smooth as those..
I was betrayed a few time b4..
N was completely ignored b4..

I was blamed for ignoring them..
N was scolded 4 being a real faker..
Y?? Y? Y!!
I was juz trying to treat u at my best!!
I was juz doing my Best!!
Y am i blamed 4 the things i am not..
N nt praise 4 wat i've done??
Aren't those things i did 4 u nt adequate??
Are u not satisfied??
Thn tell me so??
Y do u wan 2 shout it out to everyone??
U, hurt da 1 loving u..
I am Just trying to love u...

Wat is da use of a heart??
If it cant B used to love someone??
Can it B used to hate someone??
I hope so..
I juz doesn't wan to B hurt anymore..
I juz wan to let u noe tat..
I really..
Love u..
I'm thinking of u everyday..
MayB u doesn't noe it..
Bt I do..
I'll always B waiting 4 u..
No matter wat..
I'll B waiting..
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
LEaving.. Mayb..
Hey guys..
I know u guys will be missing me..
N i too misses u guys..
Mayb going to Singapore for study..
For 4 or more years..
Interviewing this Tues..
A part of me wanna go there..
N another part says nt to..
Dunno which better..
bt i guess taking up the scholarship is better..
Plz feedback if whether i should go or nt..
Can leave u guys..
Gud frens..
Gud partners..
Gud buddies..
Gud pals..
I know u guys will be missing me..
N i too misses u guys..
Mayb going to Singapore for study..
For 4 or more years..
Interviewing this Tues..
A part of me wanna go there..
N another part says nt to..
Dunno which better..
bt i guess taking up the scholarship is better..
Plz feedback if whether i should go or nt..
Can leave u guys..
Gud frens..
Gud partners..
Gud buddies..
Gud pals..
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
1. Carry You Home - James Blunt
2. Pocketful of Sunshine - Natasha Bedingfield
3. I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
4. Take A Bow - Rihanna
5. Summertime - New Kids on the Block
6. Stop and Stare - OneRepublic
7. The Time Of My Life - David Cook
8. Love Song - Sara Bareillis
9. Realize - Colbie Caillat
10. No Air - Jordin Sparks and Chris Brown
Surfed Mix Fm site..
Saw through MIXED UP 20..
Dis's da result..
Quite gud da songs..
Lik Realize, Stop and Stare, Love Song, I'm Yours, Carry You Home presonally..
Quite good larr all da songs..
If can, try listen to all of it..
1. Carry You Home - James Blunt
2. Pocketful of Sunshine - Natasha Bedingfield
3. I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
4. Take A Bow - Rihanna
5. Summertime - New Kids on the Block
6. Stop and Stare - OneRepublic
7. The Time Of My Life - David Cook
8. Love Song - Sara Bareillis
9. Realize - Colbie Caillat
10. No Air - Jordin Sparks and Chris Brown
Surfed Mix Fm site..
Saw through MIXED UP 20..
Dis's da result..
Quite gud da songs..
Lik Realize, Stop and Stare, Love Song, I'm Yours, Carry You Home presonally..
Quite good larr all da songs..
If can, try listen to all of it..
Monday, August 4, 2008
Y my blog got no picture..
Y u guys always say my blog no pic de..
Gt some lerh..
Nt no pic..
Its bcause my computer going to B updated D marh..
Go C my post larh..
Blogger Beginner.. ME!!
My 2nd post of da blog..
N dun ask me y my blog has no pic anymore..
Y u guys always say my blog no pic de..
Gt some lerh..
Nt no pic..
Its bcause my computer going to B updated D marh..
Go C my post larh..
Blogger Beginner.. ME!!
My 2nd post of da blog..
N dun ask me y my blog has no pic anymore..
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