
My photo
Was named LimYongXiang. Am proud of my name. 17th year on this wonderful Earth. Love God, family and frens. Like basketball soccer physical activities chatting and laugh. Appreciate every moment everyday. Glory to God. Amen!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Me, I and Myself

Why my hair so hard to do stlye de??
Nothing for my blog..
Thinking about her
Haven't study yet..
Friendster not enough comment..
Struggling with life..
Harry Potter cOOl!!
No great movie lately..
Dark Knight-- Coolest among cool
My Clan- Civilized Barbarians RockZz!!
I love Singing!!
Guitar is my life, mayb not, yes, no...
Basketball's great..
My mind is crowded with loads of stuff..
Boys' Brigade-- The Best,Coolest,MostIncredible Youth Organization EVER!!
My friends, they RockZ!!
Hope to get ASEAN scholarship..
Looking forward to that day, THAT..
Life's boring without guitar & sports & PC & music & friends..
She's so pretty..
She's charming..
She's cute..
Exam?? No way!!
Love music
English is fun
Hate You Tube!!
She's so incredible..

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