Was juz given ONE life.. Juz ONE..
wasted it.. N u'll nvr gt another one..
Lik race cars..
crashed n nt raced anymore..
So.. wat's da purpose of life anyway??
Look at those 'big' person..
Who achieve so many great things in life..
Wanna B lik them??
Bcome lik Phelps, a famous swimmer..
Or wanna scores da highest in class??
Or promoted as head of students at sch???
Or travels around da world?? In 60days perhaps??
Or having vacation at Hawaii with loves one??
Spend a moment thinking..
N really think about it..
After autumm, it'll wilted bcause of winter..
Guess wat dis flower bring to dis world?
Guess wat dis flower bring to dis world?
Did any1 really look at it??
SO.. It juz fade away from dis world..
Juz lik tat.. Without leaving anythin..
So.. wanna Be lik it??
Leaving ntg??
Think Bout it..
Wat would u do tat would bring u glory even u'r away..
Lik dat??
Die beautifully??
Let's start..
From nw onnwards..
Live your life to da fullness..
To make your life meaningful-er..
Dun waste it..
God juz gave u 1 life..
N only tat 1 u'll get..

Remember this:
Everythin Bad happened to u..
Juz treat it as smtg to perfect another good thing..
A blessing of smtg better..
A bigger plan..
Of God towards u..
1 comment:
hey... decided to leave u a comment at last...
God gave us one life, one life ONLY!
and what does ppl nowadays do with their lifes? they waste it, play with it, and worshipping unexist idols..
they prefer to be afraid of ghosts and evil spririt and they dun wanna be afraid to the ONE TRUE GOD!
what is the world doing today? wasting their time?
why can't they just believe in the true God and go to heaven? rather than going to hell and suffer for eternity?
i dun wanna see my frens suffer.. i dun wanna suffer!!!!!
why... why... why can't they just believe... WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(sorry too emo liao...)
but its true.. guys out there, if u see this, please, believe in Him, im begging ya!
Please dun go to hell... pls.... pls...
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