a wonderful thing..
Make u feel happy the whole day..
N can also hurt u for a whole month..
I always wanted to B lik those couple..
So sweet n lovely..
N was paralyzed in their own world of 2..
Who am I to blame??
Y am i so unlucky??
Fell in love with some girls b4..
Experienced the amazing-ness of love..
My love life was nt as smooth as those..
I was betrayed a few time b4..
N was completely ignored b4..

I was blamed for ignoring them..
N was scolded 4 being a real faker..
Y?? Y? Y!!
I was juz trying to treat u at my best!!
I was juz doing my Best!!
Y am i blamed 4 the things i am not..
N nt praise 4 wat i've done??
Aren't those things i did 4 u nt adequate??
Are u not satisfied??
Thn tell me so??
Y do u wan 2 shout it out to everyone??
U, hurt da 1 loving u..
I am Just trying to love u...

Wat is da use of a heart??
If it cant B used to love someone??
Can it B used to hate someone??
I hope so..
I juz doesn't wan to B hurt anymore..
I juz wan to let u noe tat..
I really..
Love u..
I'm thinking of u everyday..
MayB u doesn't noe it..
Bt I do..
I'll always B waiting 4 u..
No matter wat..
I'll B waiting..
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