This is the account of days during CNY. At singapore's chinatown and at my hometown, Malacca, Malaysia, my grandparents' house.
Some nice nice shops decorated nice nice, and people will take nice nice picture of these nice nice buildings because they are all nice nice...........
A dunno-call-wat street at ChinaTown..
Walking path at ChinaTown, quite packed, not really though.. Had fun squezzing here and there watching at stuffs displayed there, cool things..
Another shot of the nicenice buldings, somemore got SONY de..
A cool writing at ChinaTown's MRT's station's wall.. Dunno about what also.. Lazy to see also.. Lazy to explain also..
And all the following below are pics I took at grandparents' house.. We had Loadza fun^^
Ahboy at the left and Ahboy at the right.. =.= I think they're talking about dunno what thing..
My another cousin.. Cool aye his hair??
Ahboy trying to dance in front of no one..
Ahboy and my bro.. Ahboy trying to get past my bro, which is QUITE impossible as my bro was all along trained by his big bro, which in fact, is me.. ^^
Ahboy, Ahboy, Ahboy and Ahboy.. See the small Ahboy there in red shirt?? He's trying to pull down the another Ahboy in red shirt's pants.. Naughty Ahboy.. HAHA!!
ME!! Dunno what I am doing also.. Dunno who took the pic also..
Me and Ahboy and Ahboy.. ME passsing bball to another dunno which Ahboy, and the other 2 Ahboy in the pic look so anxious.. Ahboy ah Ahboy, dun be so rush leh, I'll pass the ball to you de
Ahboy, ME and Ahgirl.. Nothing specifically..
Ahboys' uncle looking at the tall Ahboy in red shirt dribbling the ball, trying to get past the smaller Ahboy in also red shirt, with 2 other Ahboy watching the 2 red-shirt Ahboy.. =P
Dunno why this Ahboy looks so enthusiastic.. And dunno what this Ahboy looking at..
Ahboys chasing the Ahboy whom now having the ball, with another Ahboy following behind.. (You go figure out which Ahboy is which Ahboy)
The TALL Ahboy wanna dribble past the short Ahboy, but FAILED!! As the results, the ball spin to dunno where and hit dunno what and the TALL Ahboy feel so sad... =(
This Ahboy was 'parking' Grandma's bicycle at the path there..
Ahboy and Ahgirl so rushing to get into the car.. Dunno go where dunno do what dunno go with who...
SNAKE!! Which is dead though.. =.= Luckily I dint say this is Ahboy.. Let's call him....... AhLong..
See AhLong!! HE looks so ccuuuteee!! Hehe.. Zoom-in-view of AhLong..
Wahh.. Ahboy smile, so cuutee, but less 2 teeth.. =P
Ahboy's eye cramps.. =.= That's why he looks like how he looks like in the pic..
Ahboys' uncle doing his watch for dunno wat reason...

And all the following below are pics I took at grandparents' house.. We had Loadza fun^^

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