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Was named LimYongXiang. Am proud of my name. 17th year on this wonderful Earth. Love God, family and frens. Like basketball soccer physical activities chatting and laugh. Appreciate every moment everyday. Glory to God. Amen!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Building a mansion, PMR..???

PMR, 4 days to go..'

I reckon others are at home, studyin as hard as possible..
Try to cramp everythin they could in the small small brain..
And mistreating their 2 small eyes, makin thin blood vessels to appear upon the white cute cornea. Cute??
And study till the eleventh hour, nt gettin enough sleep.. But so what?? Gettin all A's for PMR is more important than havin a few hours more sleep .. Think so??
Not only themselves, the light and bulbs tat bring light upon them are gettin weary by every seconds..
Why suffer lik dat??

I consider myself lucky enough..
Study for bout 1 hour++ a day..
And stil hav plenty of time, i mean PLENTY, to on9, chat, sports, surf net, blog, playin guitar, watch TV and blablabla..
Dint put too much pressure on myself though..
MayB PMR to me, is not the end of the world yet..
And mayb the fact tat I'm goin to SG tat make me think tat PMR is nt exactly as necessary
Or mayb rumours tat PMR is very easy..

Anyway, PMR is as important as learning on how to build a mansion..
Whoa!! Build a mansion!! Seems impossible to me though..
So, that's mean PMR is impossible..
Who said tat??!! No idea..
Bac to the point..
Juz giv ur best in PMR..
U juz get to sit in an PMR exam once in a lifetime..
So, dun waste it juz lik dat!!


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