Last Wed, was XianWen's B'day..
Hahax.. I delayed till 2day only write..
We celebrated his b'day at QueensbayMall..
I reached there at 12 something..
EuJune, WeiZhang, KooiJin, KangQi there D..
They're buying present for him..
And the present was a ball, RM60 smtg..
Haha... We chit chatted at McDonald, talking, blabbling..
*XianWen B'day And dis is Him*

Den EuJune the crazy-maniac (XD) used a cup tat was other ppl's and refill it wif coke...
Swt lorr him.. N he too added a packet of salt into the coke n drank it like there was ntg unusual..
Den finally 12:30 Jieli called me and said that they're here..
*EuJune & KooiJin (At McD)*

Go to Skating there meet they all..
XianWen, Jieli, LinEow,JiaEn,CheeTatt...
XianWen very handsome leh..
Black shirt with a white vest..
So yeng lerh.. Hahax..
Den we went to CYC lorr..
*Jieli *
*XianWen (Playing Tennis)*

We watched XianWen play 1st..
He played tennis..
Lol.. So excited er everyone.. He so pro..
But of course, its juz a game, if in the real life, dunno whether he's pro enough.. Haha..
Den watched him play till bored D..
I invited EuJune (Alicia's) to play bball shooting..
Bought the tokens, but every1 stil watching XianWen play..
I beh shiok, I called every1 to C us play bball but noboD bother me.. =.=
Den mah watch XianWen lorr, till he play finish..
Den I called every1 to C us play bball, finally they din ignore me..
EuJune played, 44.. High score..
Duh.. of course larr!! Only him played nia marh..
Den i played.. I high scored.. 48 smtg..
The others siaosiao der..
Especially LinEow and CheeTatt, they laughed like maniac and when the ball din get in, they laugh at me..
Den CheeTatt played, 51 smtg.. Hahax..
When he's playing, I laughed at him.. He got so fed-up at the start and he missed few balls... But he learnt to ignore my craziness later n got a high score too..
Den LinEow played.. Wah, another high score leh.. 54 smtg..

Anyway, its juz him getting lucky suddenly..
Right, LinEow?? Haha..
Den KooiJin turn, he scored the highest tat day!!
62 smtg i think, n of course, its also him gettting lucky..
Den my turn.. Zzz..
Dun wat happened, 28 smtg nia.. Zzz.. dun misjudge me, I'm very good der, Its juz tat I wanna giv chance to the others.. HorR?? XD
Den the others played played played.. So fun.. Haha..
Den 3 of us, the craziest der, me,LinEow,CheeTatt took th
e ball out from the machine and play REAL bball.. We pretended lay-uping, dribble past each other and fake-shoot..
Swt horr?? Get used to it.. Its us.. Den we finally stopped bcause LinEow spooted a CCTV above us..

Den watch XianWen play bball game again.. Swt leh.. Ntg to do lerh.. Chitchat lorr, joking..
Blablabla.. Watched some girls playing bball, some guys playing aliens -shooting...
*CheeTatt (Shooting)*
Den we went out.. Idling.. No destination..
Finally I asked: 'Erm guys.. Wanna go pizza now??'
And XIanWen's like so so innocent and said:' Oh!! Erm.. Actually, I had lunch juz nw D..'
Me:'Wat??!! SO-'
XianWen said quickly b4 I finished:' But We can go eat too, I'm stil hungry..' Zzz..

Den went to Pizza, the pizza guy said we too many ppl D, 12ppl alltogether n nt enough place for all of us, so we gotta wait.. So marh wait lorr..
Den halfway of waiting I went toilet.. Do my hair little bit (XD).. Den went bac again..
Wah, stil havnt go in yt, stil no place..
Finally, after 10 minutes or more, we got in and ordered pizza..

12 ppl, 6(Me,XianWen,WeiZhang,KooiJin,EuJune,Jieli) sit at the left side, and the other 6(CheeTatt, LinEow,YongLing,JiaEn,GuoChang,KangQi) sit at the right side..
The 6 ppl of the left side are more not-siao-siao and the others are so-siao-siao der..
Us left side guys talked bout wat we gonna do afterwards, cellphone, takin picture, girls, sg blablabla..
And the right side guys talked bout siao-siao thing (I dunno wat they talked bout) and they always suddenly burst out laughing.. So irri-noyying.. Zzz..

Den finally pizza came.. Ate lorr.. Chit chat.. Take pic..

When we nearly finished, the siao-siao guys do smtg siao-siao.. They put a nearly-empty cup which stil has some ice and little bit coke at the middle of table, and start mixing all sort of things they could reached into the cup..Zzz..
Leftover pizza, cheese powder, chilli sauce, mushroom soups, bread crusts, and some saliva..
(Ewwww.. Disgusting horr??)
Den I challenged LinEow to drink this down and I'll giv him 1 dollar, and he bargain saying I giv him 20 cents per 1 gulp of the disgusting mixture..
I said ok..
Hahaxx.. Of course!! He didn't dare to even lift the cup up not mentioning drinkin it..
Den we giv up on challenging each other n went out of pizza..
We went to Jusco afterwards, went to the upper floor and saw another mini CYC..
It has gun-shooting, bball, driving, kid's playground and others fun stuff..
And obviously its for children..
But ALAS!! LinEow,CheeTatt,JiaEn,YongLing they all r so interested and they bought tokens and start playing.. Zzz..
Havnt they play enough at CYC juz nw??
Den me,XianWen,EuJune,Jieli,WeiZhang,KooiJin,KangQi went out and walk here walk there..
Den we separated.. Me,Jieli,XianWen,EuJune went idling..
We went to Yamaha.. EuJune showing off (XD) playing piano.. Me and Jieli played too..
Den i bought a pick (a thing used when struming guitar..), watched all the other cool instrument..
And went off..

Met WeiZhang,KangQi,KooiJin and we went to Toy 'R' Us.. Dun really like Toy 'R' Us bcause this company copy my name.. Zzz.. I'm BoysRus and he copied me.. (Juz kidding.. =P)
We looked at all the toys, so cool, Ben10, TheHulk, SandMan, Swords, Guns blablabla..
N EuJune found a set of Barbie clothes, big size der, n pretend to B a Barbie by 'wearing' those up.. Zzz.. Swt..
Den 4:15 went to cinema, WeiZhang bought popcorn n coke for me and I shared with Jieli..
Me and XianWen went toilet n saw TingFeng,GahBeng,CienZen..
Den went out again.. They're arguing bout who to sell to the leftover 2 tickets..
We wanna sell the some strangers but dint, den we saw our ChungLing frens and they oso dun wan.. Zzz..
Finally.. We also are not able to sell it anyway.. XD

Went in cinema watch 'Money Not Enough Too'..
This is the 2nd time I watched, laz time wif family n dis time wif frens..
Anyway, we're late n missed little bit of the starting..
So funny and also touching..
The movie lasted for 2 hours or more..
Den went out chatting bout the movie..
Mum called.. Gonna go bac..
EuJune so good.. XD.. He teman me go coffebean wait my parents..
Finally went bac..