I'm bac!!
I'm missed my ball very much n I supposed he missed me too^^
Ball, here I come!!
2day syok lorr..
Played basketball at sch..
Sean's Dad fetch me in his white My-V..
9:30 reached.. As usual larr, when we got there so many ppl d..
Packed.. 4 courts..
Saw Chee Tatt, Ken Yong, joined them..
So comfartable to B shooting n dribbling n lay-up-ing again..
My ball is so cool^^
Then played wif Max, Daryl, Dickson they all...
No form D.. Mayb tired, but I stil snathced a few points, wow~~ My defense so good..
Hahax.. Zzz..
Den tired D.. go canteen unwind little while n hav something to eat..
11 o clock D, less ppl..
Me, Sean, Dayrl one-on-one..
Sean-Me: 5-X, Sean- Daryl: 5-X, Daryl-Me: 5-X
Fun, so fun, so so fun..
And I'm so proud of my ball..
He's performing so good..
N i even shot a few 3-point's with it..
2night gonna sleep with my ball at my side, to develope our feelings for each other n for me to understand him more..
And also as my pillow.. HUH??
So that I could perform better with him!!
Hurray for our Partnership^^

P.S. He's definitely not me but absolutely like me.. ^^
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