He sent His one and only Son, Jesus to die on the cross for us, to wash away our sin..
Imagine having a cross, loads heavier, on your bac, with few fierce maniacs wipping you with a thick, thorny rope, and got totally humiliated by the person you loved so much, bsides havin ur hand pinned on the cross with two rusty thick nail, and your legs too!! Can it get any worse?? And blood gushing out profusely, feeling totally despair and hopeless..

As with the Free Food thingy (actually there's no such thing.. Sry to disappoint u^^.. ), I'm juz tryin to giv an example..
God loved all of you, all of you.. He's trying to reach out to you everyday, everytime.. And He's offering a place in heaven, full of joy, peace, happiness and every good thing..^^ And eternal life.. How great is that!!
And if you doesnt gt to know Him, you gotta get into hell and suffers, burning in the fire of everlasting, the flame piercing through every inch of your skin, and you will suffer like you had never had b4..
Do you want that?? NO!! So?? Start to get to know Him then!! Ask from your christian friends, attend church, juz gt a look in there, you can even start praying!! Juz pour your hearts out to God, He doesnt care hw good you pray, He juz wants you to spend time with Him^^
Free life!! Just for you!!
But!! In one condition, you gotta tell this Good News to your friends, the more the better, and you'll received the great, wonderful present God prepared for you even b4 you were born..
How cool is that!! ^^
How cool is that!! ^^
Praying for you everyday..
Prayed that you, finally will go back to Him..
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