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Was named LimYongXiang. Am proud of my name. 17th year on this wonderful Earth. Love God, family and frens. Like basketball soccer physical activities chatting and laugh. Appreciate every moment everyday. Glory to God. Amen!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Woohoo!! Points snatcher!!

As usual, went to YouthPark, reached there at 4:10 smtg..
Played Frisbee and Captain Ball with my church guys.. (GeorgetownBaptistChurch)

Today I so PRO!!
Frisbee my team 4-3 to other team..
N CaptainBall of coz my team won also, leading so many points..

So.. The frisbee part..
Usually, when we're playing Frisbee, I always stand bhind and defense 1..
But my defense so teruk..
N usually I dint get the Frisbee much bcause I sucks when throwing the Frisbee..

2day dunno y lerh.. I suddenly went offence.. ???
Really larr!! Suddenly u know??
Like someone told me to stay as offender.. MayB its God gua.. XD
Den know wat??
I so PRO suddenly!! (Y always suddenly der??)
4 points of my team, I snatch 3 of them!!
Woohhooo!! How cool is that!!
All of them r so surprised tat they, they all pass out together!!
NO LARR!! where got so big reaction??
But they do are surprised..
And one of the points, I got them by, sliding from 1 side of the field to the other side, about 3m, and caught it juz, JUZ b4 it touched the ground!!

How cool is that?!!
Den bcause of that, my mood got suddenly *again* so good..

Den CaptainBall part..
Me,Joel,Sean,Max,ZhenKhye got in a team..
All CLHS boys.. So united.. HOR??
We are so unbeatable, n invincible, n.. AH!! Juz PRO larr~~
Me and MAx ally, n as the catcher, I was so pro and even the guard doesnt feel lik to jump bcause he knew tat he cant beat me.. XD
We totally beat the other team down..
N after 1 hour around, our opponent, half of them, idle around the field and laz here laz there..
N they dont even feel lik defend us and juz let us past n let us shoot..
Of coz, as I said..
We're invincible..

So good mood 2day..
Hope tat nex week, we could do tat again!!
Gambateh guys!!

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