That's me, flying kite 6 years ago in the field in front of my house..
I used to live in KL when i was standard3, 6 years ago..
Forgotten the date, but its around then..
My farewell was announced to my frens..
Invited them to my house for a farewell party..
Dinner, KFC, play beyblade, cards, musical chairs, blablabla..
So fun n enjoyin.. We hav a whale of time together, I'm so happy tat there're stil ppl tat care for me..
N we cried, sang song, cried, cried, cried....

We're juz 9.. Who said a 9-year-old cant B emotional??
N i too received loads n loads of presents..
A set of dining tools, cups, dictionary, souvenirs, key chains, drawings, cards...
Cool man!! Never ever received so many presents in my life b4..
So so so happy..
Received the letter to singapore, to study, for 4 or more years..
Nt too excited larr.. Its my parents that is..
Told a few bez pals..
They're so surprise, n say they're gonna miss me, blablabla, call me to reject it n stay here (?!?!), n some congrate me, said they'll support me, wish me good luck..
So touched.. so happy, knowin there're stil some1 tat cares for me..
2day sch..
JieLi told me bout a party.. He wif a few of my classmates discussed bout it..
Its a farewell party for us tat r leavin dis year... 5 of us..

So good.. I'm so touched..
(Zzz.. Y I so easy to B touched der.. Hahax..)
We discussed together lorr..
Doin pot luck, some games, performances.. N we even wanna invite few teachers..
Man.. So great..
N we're thinking of makin a movie on our class, our daily stuff, schoolin time, wat we do in class, blablabla..
N put it up durin the farewll party..
*Me thinking loads of things*
6 years ago, I parted with a whole class of bez frens to come to Penang..
I missed them so so so much..
N i'm thinking of them every few while..
Wonderin if I can C them again..
N thinking bac those time we spent together, I felt lik laughin n cryin at the same time...
Finally, I gt contact wif them again.. Through MSN n frenster..
N I too think to visit them a few days b4 i go to singapore..
So glad.. thinking of meetin them again..

I'm going to part wif my whole bunch of bez frens again..
Am I destinied to leave some1 I loved??
Hahax.. Mayb..
Stayed in KL for 6 years.. (3-year-old to 9-year-old)
Now, I'd stayed in Penang for 6 years too!! (10-year-old to 15-year-old)
N My b'day is on 6th June, 06.06
6 is really my lucky number.. Lol..
Mayb I'm going to stay in SG for 6 years also.. XD

Very cham lorr..
I'm going to be missing a whole loads of ppl again..
My heads r goin to burst, missing so many frens..
Know wat??
When i told my frens i'm leavin, some of them call me to stay, say tat they're gonna miss me..
wah.. so touched.. (Zzz.. nah nah nah.. Again.. So easy to B touched..)
So, bac to the point..
They're gonna miss me 1 person..
They juz miss 1 person, me..
But i'm gonna miss a whole loads of them!!
So cruel!! XD So unfair!! XD
Think bout tat.. Its true right?? Yaya..

I juz wanna say, I'll nt, ever, never, nt in a million times will forget u guys..
U guys had appeared in my life n bcame part of my life..
Mayb u guys din really C me as a bez fren or wateva..
But, i C u guys as my family.. I'm honest.. REaly..
P.S. Dun cry after finish this.. Bt I'll nt blame u if u did.. Haha.. I know my post is very touching.. Right Right?? So, try nt to cry anyway.. But if u really didi cry, do tell me!! Yay!!
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